Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Williams Family

It seems like everyday i run into someone that i haven't seen in ages. I love it when that happens. 

Leslie Williams and i had been talking on the phone/emailing scheduling her family portrait. It wasn't until she got out of her car at the photo shoot that i realized this was a Leslie that i knew way back in Jr high! How funny. We went to the same church and we were both in choir. She was the same age as my sister. Her family moved not long after that and I hadn't seen her since. She looked exactly the same, she was always a pretty girl, one of the lucky ones who seemed to bypassed teen awkwardness. I, on the other hand, was slapped in the face with it. Thank the Lord it took her a bit to recognize who i was. ;)
We got some great shots out at a cotton field in Monette. Here are some of my favorites...

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