Wednesday, October 01, 2008

thank you

I have the best clients in the world. 

Seriously, i do.
Things have been so hectic lately. September was a very busy month with photography. Im behind with blogging, ive got lots to catch up on!
Tobin has also been sick the past two weeks off and on with stomach bug and throat infection. He seems to be feeling better but still not eating hardly...but he is drinking lots of liquids. I feel like that he is on the upswing of all of that. The doc is advising that we may need to go ahead and get his tonsils/anoids taken out....makes me very nervous to think about but i know he would have such an easier winter cold season if we did. Trying to balance motherhood and work sometimes mix and sometimes it creates role confusion for me :). I feel so blessed to be in a position to use my creative passion everyday and to be a mom to a wonderful and fun-loving baby boy. 
Just this week i have gotten the sweetest emails and phone calls from a handful of various clients out of the blue just to speak words of encouragement to me. It means the world.  Yall are the best!


Anonymous said...

Kendy, I hope things get less stressful for you. You do good stuff, lady!
Are you on LinkedIn yet? If not, you should be! It's a great way to get referrals from clients to other folks! I know I would recommend you!

Kendy Schimmel said...

Hey Sarah!
It took me two days to figure out who sarah haman was!...yes, you got married and changed your name, i was there. :)
No,Im not on Linkedin, but it sounds like i need to be. Im going to check it out. Thanks for the info!

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